
Showing posts from January, 2021

3 Week Practical Project Conclusion

My Opinion on the  First Person Shooter HUD I like the simplicity of this design and I feel that the visuals (font, symbols and bars) are all consistent with each other as well as fitting  IP of the game. Reflecting on the design however, I feel that maybe I should have included the team's current money, as many fps games tend to have a buying period at the start of the round to allow players to buy better equipment with their round winnings. My Opinion on the Racing HUD This is my favourite of the three designs as it is very minimal and easy on the eyes. The font used, again, fits the IP well and the layout does not obstruct any important areas of the screen. The main improvements I would make to this would be that the yellow banner atop the rank board does not stand out from the background as much as I would like. While I matched the tone to the yellow on the minimap, perhaps this should be a different, darker, colour. My Opinion on the Action Adventure HUD This is my least favou

My Action-Adventure HUD

  This is my design for the Action Adventure HUD. I included the key display elements: Health Bar The health bar (red), magic bar (blue), and stamina bar (green) are all presented in a celtic/druid themed display, to match that of the theme of the game. Minimap Like Skyrim, I decided against a minimap as it allows for more immersive exploration in the game. A large map screen would be found in the menu but this would not benefit the gameplay and aesthetics of the game in this case. Weapon Types The second bar contains two circles, the first displaying the weapons selected, in this case dual wield swords. The second circle displays the selected spell, in this case a fireball. Current Money The second bar shows the celtic symbol for money followed by the amount of coins that the player currently has in their inventory.

My Racing HUD

  This is my design for the Racing HUD. I included the key display elements: Minimap The minimap is very simple, highlighting the roads in light grey and the current selected route or race in yellow. Speedometer The outer gauge shows the car's current RPM and the top number is the current gear. The inner gauge and lower number is the speed. Laptimes The lap number or street race percentage progress as well as the player's current time are shown on the top right. The position of all of the race participants is briefly shown on the right when laps are completed or race checkpoints are reached.

My First Person Shooter HUD

This is my design for the First Person Shooter (FPS) HUD. I included the key display elements: Health Bar The health and armour bars are relatively simple and take inspiration from the original Halo game, where the health bar was segmented. This is to make it easier to read during fast gameplay. Weapon Type The weapon type is not specifically referring to the player's weapon, but to their available utility (flashbangs and grenades). Players aren't stupid and can easily see what weapon is currently on their screen. A utility inventory, I feel, is more useful to players, especially when strategically planning an attack as it allows them to see the types and number of supplies at their disposal. Ammo Count The ammo count is very straight forward and follows the same logic and design as most FPS games. Minimap The minimap is a simple circle. It shows the player character at the centre and shows a field of vision in the player's team colour. The map shows nearby obstacles in a l

Action-Adventure HUD Layout

In order to create a HUD for an action adventure game, I must first look at other action adventure games to find what elements are included and how they are organised on screen. An action adventure HUD should typically display: - health bar - minimap - weapon types - current money Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 2011   The lower screen holds bars to represent the player's magic, health and stamina. These only appear if the player has less than 100% in any of the bars. The upper screen holds a map bar, this shows the players direction using compass points and also shows nearby landmarks - which are black if undiscovered, or white if found. The upper screen also temporarily displays the health bar and name of the enemy the player is facing, once the player leaves open combat, these disappear. All of this information is vital to the player but only during specific gameplay moments. Personally I love how Skyrim's HUD elements fade in and out at the correct times as it allows the player t