
Showing posts from July, 2021

Fighter HUD

  This is my design for the a fighter HUD with a timer.  I decided to go online and search for game screenshots. I found this and decided to create a HUD with no context or ideas about mechanics. I wanted to focus purely on the aesthetics of my design working with the aesthetics of the game.  I included the key display elements: Player Health Bars The player health bars shows how much damage each player has taken so far. I created a bar colour coded to each player's character and included the characters' sigils in within the bar. The bars for each character reside in their appropriate corners of the upper portion of the screen. The total health points are out of 100 (maximum health). Powerup Bars As seen in the screenshot, the player characters are performing special abilities beyond melee attacks. Under each of the players' health bars, I have included a bar to represent the players' powerups. Each successful hit increases this bar and allows the player to charge up th

Timer Shootout HUD

This is my design for the a first person shooter HUD with a shootout timer.  I decided to go online and search for game screenshots. I found this and decided to create a HUD with no context or ideas about mechanics. I wanted to focus purely on the aesthetics of my design working with the aesthetics of the game.  I included the key display elements: Player Health Bar The player health bar shows how much damage the player has taken so far. I decided to create a clock face to represent the health bar in this game. In the lower left, I created a radial counter along with a digital readout for ease of access during gameplay. The total health points are out of 100 (maximum health). Ammo As seen in the screenshot, the player character is holding a large assault rifle. Keeping an eye on ammunition is vital to winning shooter games so a readout on this is key. On the lower right, I included the currently equipped gun along with the ammunition readout so players know their remaining bullets and

Moveable Menus in Adobe

One of the features of my concept is the ability to customise the in-game HUD. Although this ability has been showcased in a few games, it is not a mainstream feature that is implemented as industry standard. I believe that this needs to change. The Adobe Suite allows users full control over which windows are open and their exact location. This is as simple as drag and drop. For today we will be focussing on Adobe Photoshop to demonstrate, however all Adobe programmes operate using the same controls. The Adobe help page states that  '[users] can create a custom workspace by moving and manipulating document windows and panels. [users] can also save workspaces and switch among them' .  ⁽¹⁾ Panels can be moved to predetermined locations or to an open space of the user's choice.  'To move a panel, [the user must] drag it by its tab' .  ⁽¹⁾  It really is just as simple as drag and drop.  'As [the user] moves panels, [they] see blue highlighted drop zones. If [they] d