
Showing posts from December, 2020

Racing HUD Layout

In order to create a HUD for a racing game, I must first look at other racing games to find what elements are included and how they are organised on screen. A racing HUD should typically display: - map - speedometer - laptimes/objectives Forza Horizon 4 - 2018 Forza has some of my favourite HUD designs in racing games. It's simplicity its invaluable when trying to read information during fast races.  The lower left of the screen holds the minimap which works like a GPS shows the player the route they need to take during races or when driving to specified locations. The lower right displays a speedometer so players can see what speed they are doing and which gear they are in with a quick glance. The top left of the screen displays the player's objective or their position in the race. The top right, when completing a lap or passing a checkpoint, will briefly show the player's lap number and their current time, as well as their opponents. All of this information is vital to th

First Person Shooter HUD Layout

In order to create a HUD for a first person shooter (FPS), I must first look at other FPS games to find what elements are included and how they are organised on screen. An FPS HUD should typically display: - health bar - weapon type - ammo count - radar/minimap - team information: score, teammates, round number (if applicable) Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) - 2012 CS:GO has one of my favourite HUDs. It has a very simple, minimalistic and clean look which does not hinder playability or visibility during gameplay.  The lower left of the screen holds the player's health and armour stats, while the lower right displays the player's ammunition for their current weapon. The top left shows the player's current location on the map in order to assist with call outs to teammates, it also holds a minimap which allows the player to see theirs and their allies' locations relative to the environment. The bar across the top of the screen shows both teams players and whether

3 Week Practical Project

Summary  My semester 1 deadline is the 8th of January and, although lectures have finished for winter break, I will continue to work on my MA. For my submission I need: - a learning agreement - outlining my aims and objectives of my project so far - a reflective diary - this blog is a clear reflection to look back on and track my progress - a body of work -  this blog shows all of the work I have done and will continue to do Over the next 3 weeks running up to my deadline, I will be creating my own concepts for UI. I have chosen 3 genres of games and I will create a HUD for each.  Contrary to some of my recent research I will not be adding colour blind versions of these concepts as I hope to tackle this in a project sometime in the new year after further study. I have 3 weeks before my deadline and I have created an outline of what work should be done on each of these weeks to keep me on track. Week 1 - UI Layout Research  To start off this project I will be researching HUD layouts for

Colour Blindness Test

I recently ran an experiment with my classmates and tutors to explore the percentage of colour blindness. On average it effects 1 in 12 (8%) of men and 1 in 200 (0.5%) of women but I wanted to take a sample myself. I used The X Rite Colour Challenge and Hue Test The lower the score, the better the persons' ability to differentiate colour. The higher the score, the more likely the person has colour blindness. I sent the test link out to everyone on my course and received 12 responses. There were 9 male responses and 3 female responses. 11 of the participants were aged 20 - 29, while only 1 was aged 40 - 49. 11 of the participants scored 0, while only 1 scored 8. You would expect that the participant who scored 8 would be male and aged 40 - 49. This is due to colour blindness being more common in men, and often worsening later in life. However the participant who scored 8 was actually female and aged 20 - 29. From this sample we can see that even the hi