3 Week Practical Project


My semester 1 deadline is the 8th of January and, although lectures have finished for winter break, I will continue to work on my MA.

For my submission I need:

- a learning agreement - outlining my aims and objectives of my project so far
- a reflective diary - this blog is a clear reflection to look back on and track my progress
- a body of work - 
this blog shows all of the work I have done and will continue to do

Over the next 3 weeks running up to my deadline, I will be creating my own concepts for UI. I have chosen 3 genres of games and I will create a HUD for each. 

Contrary to some of my recent research I will not be adding colour blind versions of these concepts as I hope to tackle this in a project sometime in the new year after further study.

I have 3 weeks before my deadline and I have created an outline of what work should be done on each of these weeks to keep me on track.

Week 1 - UI Layout Research 

To start off this project I will be researching HUD layouts for my three chosen genres to find what is effective and ineffective when it comes to placement and scale. I will be considering:

- what works? 
- how does it work? 
- what doesn't work? 
- what can I improve on? 

Once I have understood these concepts, I can begin to implement them into my designs

Week 2 - Concepts 

I will be designing HUDs for the following genres of games:

- first person shooter
- racing
- action adventure

I will be creating these using Procreate and Adobe Photoshop.

Week 3 - Conclusion  

I will write a short (200 - 300 word) summary of the project and reflect on my work. In my conclusion I will discuss: 

- my opinion on the pros and cons of each design 
- any issues I found when creating them
- anything I would like to learn/explore going forward
