
Showing posts from April, 2021

Valheim UI Redesign Summary

I have finally finished my Valheim UI redesign! I really like how this one has turned out. As somebody who played this game a lot, I feel I have a reliable opinion on flaws within the game's interface. While these opinions are entirely subjective, I know through multiple discussions with friends that they share the same issues with areas of the UI. I  have created a simplified version of the interface that is far more easy on the eyes than the original. It is also worth noting that during my design process, there was an update for Valheim which actually recoloured the interface into a grey tone, like I did! Overall, I believe this project has been a success. It has been a lengthy process and is my largest UI project to date. I had a lot of fun with it and I think that it has been a great experience in terms of learning even more about the capabilities of Adobe XD. I look forward to more redesign projects in the future!

Valheim Trophies

I've been working on the Valheim UI for a little while and I have finished my first iteration. As shown here, I have added the trophies menu. Here the player can see their collection of slayed enemies. The trophy menu is split into biomes. Each biome is on a new row while the bosses alight down the centre column. I kept the trophy menu very similar to the original but I tried to simplify it to match my design.  Within the circles will be images of each trophy (unfortunately these are too low res to add to my designs).  I kept the name of the trophy under each icon but removed the descriptions. These now appear on mouse rollover and create a slight glow around the selection.

Valheim Skills

I've been working on the Valheim UI for a little while and I have finished my first iteration. As shown here, I have added the skills menu. Here the player can see how each of their skills are progressing. S kills increase based on usage, the more a tool is used or an action is performed, the higher that skill will be. Skills can increase up to their maximum of 100. The large yellow bars represent the skill level, while the red bars indicate the player's experience in that area. Each time the red bar fills, the yellow bar will increase by 1. I kept the skill menu relatively similar to the original in terms of layout and colours although I have simplified it slightly to fit with the minimalistic style of my UI. The main skill level bar remains yellow and the smaller experience bar is still red. The main addition is very subtle. I have added a marking system behind the bars. There are 100 increments in total to represent the maximum level of the skills. For me personally, little

Valheim Compendium

I've been working on the Valheim UI for a little while and I have finished my first iteration. As shown here, I have added to the HUD. I have added an arrow to the top middle of the screen. When rolled over with the mouse, 4 menu buttons drop down at the top of the screen. I have kept the symbolism in these the same as the originals. The first is the compendium. Originally, everything was in a large list but I felt that it would be better to separate the sections into tabs. Therefore I created the effects, messages and tutorials tabs. The effects tab shows a skill wheel. The active effects appear around the vegvisir. When rolled over with the mouse, passive effects will show their description in the centre of the wheel. The message tab simply shows the current session's message log and allows the player to type to other players in the server. The tutorials tab shows all of Hugin's tips in one concise list for the player to refer back to find any information given earlier in