Valheim UI Redesign Summary

I have finally finished my Valheim UI redesign!

I really like how this one has turned out. As somebody who played this game a lot, I feel I have a reliable opinion on flaws within the game's interface. While these opinions are entirely subjective, I know through multiple discussions with friends that they share the same issues with areas of the UI. I have created a simplified version of the interface that is far more easy on the eyes than the original.

It is also worth noting that during my design process, there was an update for Valheim which actually recoloured the interface into a grey tone, like I did!

Overall, I believe this project has been a success. It has been a lengthy process and is my largest UI project to date. I had a lot of fun with it and I think that it has been a great experience in terms of learning even more about the capabilities of Adobe XD. I look forward to more redesign projects in the future!
