Customisable Scale Concept

After theorising that players could customise their game interface's colour and layout, the next logical step is to rescale these elements.

Many games already implement a slider to adjust UI scale, however this seems to scale all UI elements evenly. While this can be good, some players may want to scale certain elements differently.

For example, someone with poor eyesight may only want to increase the size of the text but not the buttons; where someone else may have perfect vision but also suffer with manual dexterity issues, meaning that they would want to increase button size so they are easier to hit.

But what if we could let players choose sizes for themselves? They could drag corners of certain menus or panels to increase their size or even choose from presets. 

What if players could customise their own game space to their exact needs? 

I realised that this ability already exists in design software that I myself have used since I was a child. Programs like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and XD; the Unreal Engine; Autodesk Maya, etc... It is common for programs to allow their users to scale up their interfaces however they need during their design process. 

UI designers would create menus and toolbars in a default size that they consider to be optimal. Players would have the choice to keep this size if they are happy with it or change it if they prefer. They would then have the ability to enter the game options menu and drag each component to their desired size. Or choose a small, medium or large option for the UI as a whole or for each individual element. This design would then show in-game and allow the players both creative freedom and increased accessibility if needed.

If we brought this ability into gaming, we could completely change our players' experience. This would allow for limitless customisation and advanced accessibility options for handicapped players. I believe that it is the perfect final adjustment to implement into fully customisable interfaces.
